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Cham Farms ´s White vinegar , transparent in color with a tangy acidic taste, is added to pastries to give them a soft texture. It can also be added to mayonnaise and garlic cream. White vinegar from Cham Farms has various uses, including sterilizing and cleaning vegetables and fruits, removing stains from clothes, and eliminating deposits and stains from floors and countertops. White vinegar from Cham Farms is stored in a tightly sealed glass bottle to ensure proper storage.
IKLEEL ALGABAL ´s Makdous (medium), is considered one of the most delicious foods and a popular appetizer that enhances any table. It is made from eggplant, walnuts, red bell peppers, garlic, and immersed in olive oil. These ingredients combine to create an irresistible flavor. In addition to its irresistible taste, Makdous provides numerous health benefits. It has been preserved using the best methods to maintain its flavor and safety.
Red kidney beans from Chtoura Garden Company are one of the common types of beans. They are used in preparing many traditional dishes, being a healthy component for a balanced diet when cooked well. However, consuming them raw or undercooked can be harmful. Its worth mentioning that they are rich in protein, fiber, and various vitamins and minerals, such as iron, phosphorus, calcium, and magnesium. They are essential for cell renewal, childrens growth, and contribute to overall health and well-being. Moreover, they hold significant importance for pregnant women in supporting fetal growth.
Rosemary byIKLEEL ALGABAL, . With its green color and flat, needle-like shape, Rosemary is distinguished by its aromatic scent that transfers to the hands when touching its leaves and lasts for a long time. It is well-known for its strong and fragrant aroma, also referred to as Dew of the Sea, and was considered an ancient symbol of remembrance and steadfastness. Four Seasons Rosemary is used with many dishes for its invigorating fragrance, added to meat and chicken dishes, salads, soups, and even pastries to enhance their delicious taste. Moreover, Rosemary has numerous health and beauty benefits for the human body and has been extensively used in Arab medicine. The preservation of IKLEEL
Mixed Pickles from Algota , with their distinctive taste and various varieties, add uniqueness to your table. They are made and preserved using the finest methods. The mixed pickles contain multiple types such as carrots, cucumbers, cauliflower, and garlic, which together create a delicious flavor that is irresistible. They enhance your appetite and increase your enthusiasm for food.
Shahias sesame tahini (small) is known for its smooth texture and delicious taste. It is added to various dishes such as hummus, ful medames, falafel, and many others. It is also combined with grape molasses and date molasses to enhance the flavor and create an irresistible taste. Shahias sesame tahini offers numerous benefits. It is ideal for treating anemia, detoxifying the body, and helps alleviate allergic cough. Additionally, it has cosmetic benefits, as it can be used to create masks for skin lightening and to reduce pigmentation and spots.
Pomegranate Molasses from Sallora: 1 liter of excellence with its thick, sticky texture, dark red color, and sweet-tangy flavor. Pomegranate molasses is frequently used in the kitchen. It's added to dishes like kibbeh sfeirjileh and various types of salads and fattoush. It's also used as a marinade for meat and poultry, as well as many other dishes and foods. Pomegranate molasses is extracted from the delicious pomegranate seeds, rich in nutrients, proteins, and essential acids for the body. It is stored in a tightly sealed plastic container to protect it from moisture and ensure high quality.
Deres broad green lentils, which belong to the famous legume family known for its delicious dishes and numerous health benefits. They consist of small, flat, and round grains with a vibrant green color. Green lentils can be prepared as a soup with vegetables and lemon or cooked with rice and spices as a main meal. Green lentils have high nutritional value as they are rich in protein and fiber, and they promote heart health and provide protection against cancer.