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  • Weight: 0.7kg - 0.8kg
  • Price: €0.00 - €9.00
Baladna plain tahini halva (large) is a traditional Middle Eastern sweet treat known for its deliciously sweet taste and delightful crumbly texture. Plain tahini halva is typically served during breakfast alongside butter. It is made primarily from sesame tahini, halva extract, and sugar. Tahini halva offers numerous benefits as it contains protein-rich sesame oil, as well as important minerals like calcium, iron, zinc, and others. The company manufactures plain tahini halva and stores it in a plastic container covered with a tight plastic lid to ensure the safety of storage and the quality of production.
Sour grape acid from Al Ahlamwith its strong acidic taste, is added to salads as a substitute for lemon. It is also considered a preservative. It can be added to some juices to give them a pleasant acidic flavor. Sour grape acid is placed in a tightly sealed glass bottle to ensure proper storage and high quality.
HANA Tahini 800g is a creamy and delicious sesame paste with a thick texture. It is added to various dishes such as falafel, ful medames, hummus, and many others. It is also combined with grape molasses and date molasses to enhance the flavor and create an irresistible taste. HANA Tahini has numerous benefits. It is ideal for treating anemia, detoxifying the body, and helping alleviate respiratory allergies. It also has cosmetic benefits, as it can be used to create various masks for skin lightening and removing pigmentation and spots.
Farkeh Flour / Hekayat Sity. Farkeh flour, also known as fine semolina, is a versatile, multipurpose ingredient. Farkeh flour is used in preparing various desserts like maamoul, kleicha, and basbousa. It is also used in making certain types of pastries like samosas and more. It is finely ground semolina and is considered a kitchen staple that cannot be done without, in addition to its numerous health benefits.
Cucumber Pickles (small) from Durra Company are one of the most popular types of pickles and highly sought-after for their delicious taste and smart aroma. They are added to the dining table, enhancing it with their vibrant green color and stimulating the appetite. Cucumber pickles are also known for their numerous benefits, as they help maintain liver health and promote bacterial balance in the body.