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  • Price: €0.00 - €46.00
Alsamir's Red Watermelon Seeds, with their slanted rectangular shape and red color, offer a delightful taste. They can be enjoyed alongside a cup of hot tea or cold cola on hot summer days as a snack. Additionally, they can be served to guests as a special and appetizing treat. Moreover, Red Watermelon Seeds from Alsamir offer numerous benefits, as they regulate blood pressure and address heart-related conditions. Alsamir has carefully packaged them to ensure the product's integrity.
Musbaha from Chtoura Gardens (small) is a combination of tahini with boiled chickpeas, enhanced with garlic and lemon to create a delicious and irresistible taste. Al-Hassana Company has prepared the most delicious variations of Musbaha, which is a well-known appetizer in Arab countries, especially among the people of Sham and Aleppo. It is typically consumed as a light and filling breakfast meal. In addition to its significant benefits, it contains whole chickpeas that contribute greatly to maintaining bone health and blood sugar levels. Furthermore, it is considered the suitable choice for weight management while preserving overall body health.
Boiled whole chickpeas 370g from Durra are characterized by their round shape, golden color, and delicious taste. They are used to make dishes like Mssabaha and Fatteh, and can be added to ful (fava bean dish) and various salads to enhance the flavor. In addition to their great taste, chickpeas offer significant health benefits, such as improving bone health, enhancing memory, and aiding in weight management. They are recommended for individuals who are overweight or following a vegetarian diet. Durra company has stored chickpeas using the best methods to preserve their delicious taste and significant benefits.
Baladna's boiled whole chickpeas are characterized by their round shape, golden color, and delicious taste. They are used to make dishes like mosabaha and fava beans, and can be added to salads for a delightful flavor. In addition to their significant benefits for bones, memory improvement, and maintaining an ideal weight, they are recommended for individuals struggling with weight gain. They are also considered the best choice for vegetarians. Baladna Company has stored the chickpeas using the best methods to preserve their delicious taste and great benefits.
Musbaha from Chtoura Gardens 850g is a combination of tahini with boiled chickpeas, enhanced with garlic and lemon to create a delicious and irresistible taste. Al-Hassana Company has prepared the most delicious variations of Musbaha, which is a well-known appetizer in Arab countries, especially among the people of Sham and Aleppo. It is typically consumed as a light and filling breakfast meal. In addition to its significant benefits, it contains whole chickpeas that contribute greatly to maintaining bone health and blood sugar levels. Furthermore, it is considered the suitable choice for weight management while preserving overall body health.
Chtoura Land "Msbaha," a delightful mixture of sesame paste, boiled chickpeas, garlic, and lemon, offers an irresistible and flavorful taste that's hard to resist. Chtoura Land has prepared the most delicious varieties of "Msbaha," a well-known appetizer in Arab countries, especially in the Levant and Aleppo. It's commonly consumed as a light and satisfying breakfast option. In addition to its great taste, it contains whole chickpeas that significantly contribute to bone health and blood sugar levels, making it an excellent choice for weight management while maintaining overall health.