

Katakit Ruby Jumbo Hazelnut Biscuits, with their delightful hazelnut flavor and delicious taste, consist of cylindrical-shaped pieces with a delectable taste, coated with exquisite hazelnut cocoa chocolate. You can enjoy Ruby Jumbo Hazelnut Biscuits with a cup of coffee or serve them as a simple treat for friends. These biscuits are safely and securely stored by Katakit.
Katakits Ruby Jumbo Biscuit, Cocoa Flavor, is known for its delicious taste. It consists of a cylindrical-shaped biscuit piece with a delightful cocoa flavor, coated in exquisite cocoa chocolate. You can enjoy Ruby Jumbo Biscuit alongside a cup of coffee or serve it as a simple treat for friends. Katakits Cocoa Biscuit is stored safely and securely.